"The owner of Ambar India restaurant in the gaslight district on Ludlow Avenue was shot Sunday night. The suspect remains at large. He is described as black, 5-foot-9 and 200 pounds, according to police. Singh was recovering at the hospital Monday but insisted the restaurant open. He doesn’t want his customers disappointed"
Its a shame a Brown brother has been shot. I think this might be the first time an Indian has been shot in Cincinnati (not really sure). Except for my cousin, he does not count because he shot himself. All I'm saying is just because you didn't get your Tandoori chicken or your Matter Paneer you don't have to shoot the man in the face.Why dont you take your ass and walk down the street to one of the other hundred Fine Indian Cuisines. And one last thing Mr. Singh, you just have been shot in the face, its ok to close the shop for couple of days. You don't have to be so money hungry that you have to keep the spot open.
Brown Brother Shot
Monday, September 14, 2009