"The Cobra Club is now the second establishment in Clermont County to cater to swingers. What goes on inside the club, which opened in early October, is calculated to spice up the sex lives of middle-age married couples." news.cincinnati.com
I'll be honest I didn't think Clermont County rolled like this. When I think of Clermont Co., I think of slow rednecks, conservatives and cow pastures. I have wondered what the hell goes in a club like this, and being in New Richmond I feel like its just bunch of middle aged, drunk skanks and fat dudes. That's why they need a place to like to spice up their sex life. I got an idea, instead of getting fat and gross why don't married men and women try to stay in shape so your partner don't loose interest. I guarantee that there will be more bumbin and grinding going on under the sheets.
Clermont County Gone Wild
Friday, October 30, 2009