"Cliff High School students studying World War I history were instead exposed to a few seconds of pornography last week when they were shown a film on the Paris 1919 Treaty of Versailles that had been recorded over a porn tape. We love our community, said parent Francesca Estevez. We are very cohesive. What happened last Thursday was not acceptable by community standards. The classroom was subjected to three or four seconds of pornography. The climate in that classroom is forever changed." lcsun-news
Oh what the hell is matter with all these parents, this probably the only time those little bastards actually paid attention in class. I can probably walk into any of those parents house and find a movie stashed away somewhere in a dark corner or couple of Playboys under the mattress. So get real, this ain't the first time Cliff High School students have seen porn, and it certainly wont be the last time. I just think this is a great way to keep these kids awake in class and interested in education. Alos, isn't this freaking 2010 not the 90's, so who uses video tapes anymore, didn't we leave that shit behind with the Macarena?! Follow @cilii_blog