"A teenage boy reported his mother to New Zealand police for drunk driving as well as confiscating her car keys and a partly-consumed bottle of gin, according to a local media report."myfoxny
You are like the worst son I have ever met. What you should of have done was step up to the plate and drove the car instead of calling the police on her.
I remember when I was a young one, my dad use to let me drive all the time. I just though he was being nice to me so I can drive, only later did I find out that he was drunk most of them time. But like your punk ass, I didn't go calling the police for no reason.
I bet you really didn't think about the future consequences did you, start walking.
PS. Thats not the picture of the teenager that is referred in this story, I just added it because pictures always makes everything better. Plus he kind of looks like someone that would turn his mother in for some gin and juice. Follow @cilii_blog