Colin Cowherd Putting The Reds Down

ESPN radio "hack" Colin Cowherd was calling the Cincinnati Reds “frauds.”


This is gotta be a joke right, he is calling the Reds a fraud? I mean I guess he is right, the Reds have only been in either first place or second all season long. And so what if the Reds are still leading the division after playing 118 games.
Is it me or does most people with some common sense hate guys like Colin Cowturd and Jim Rome. This fools is just yet another example of "style" over substance, and "volume" over information. So Colin please stick to what you know, which is probably nothing.
As far as Colin Cowherd in concerned, he is just another useless air time.

When I go to Urban Dictionary and type in "Colin Cowherd" this is what comes up.
"Extremely annoying sports radio talk show host who thinks he is right about everything. Tactics include:1)Bashing an entire city or school the day after they lose a championship game.(As if their fans had something to do with it) 2)Rambling on and on about how the ratings in football are so much higher than baseball.(As if that is going to make me instantly stop liking baseball) 3)Cutting off and/or hanging up on anyone who has a different opinion than him. 4)Being so generally annoying that you would rather turn off the radio in fear that you might cut your ears off if you continue to listen. 5)Claiming that he is the only talk show host who makes any sense when he is in fact the only one at his own network who doesn't make any sense. 6)Being such an overall fuckup that you wonder how a stellar network such as ESPN could hire an assclown like him."

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