Friday Links: Jon Stewart, Marine Dakota Meyer, Scarlett Johansson, Attack Watch

A Profile on Jon Stewart
10 Strange Guinness World Records
A Beer With The President
Smoking Orangutan Forced To Kick Her Smoking Habit
10 Actors Who Turned Down The Jame Bond Role
Odd Named Ramen Noodles 

Nudity Probable from the irregulars on Vimeo.

Weird Name, Hot Body: Jessenia Vice
Tatas? Yes.
Still Thinking About Scarlett Johansson?
Geroge Clooney Is A Playa

President Obama's Campaign 2012 Launches Their Own Anti Smear Website Called (Attack Watch)
NASA Discovers Tatoonie
Lawmakers Seek Transparency From Supercommittee
Patent Reform Bill Signed  Into Law (who does it help?)

What is wrong with society?